Chris Burns’ core warmups for jiu-jitsu:
- Forward shoulder roll over L shoulder to breakfall with R arm in lying base position. Engage core. lift hips, breakfall other (L) side. Technical standup to same side as second breakfall, posting on L hand. you should now have the opposite R foot forward to how you started and can shoulder roll over the other R side to continue down the mat.
- Back breakfall. Sit back rather than down so you land on your butt and not your tailbone. Backward shoulder roll over R shoulder to come up on R knee and L foot. Pivot R knee out on L toes to come to standing fighting base using tendons, not glutes and quads. Three backward steps in base (should be able to keep a book balanced on your head). Repeat.
- Hip escape. From lying base position on R side, Reach for your R foot with your L hand, rolling over your R elbow to reach. turn to the L and bring your R foot up toward your butt and out to the R side, forming a lying base on the other L side. Repeat on other side. Try to maintain constant firm base.
- Elbow escape. Lying base on R side, Bring R elbow up along the mat so your upper arm is at 90 degrees to your torso. Join your hands as if framing the imaginary opponent’s hips with your hands and L elbow. Bring R elbow and knee together, sliding both along the mat, turning the R toes down so as to slide the knee on the mat under an imaginary opponent’s leg without it catching on his leg. turn to the other side, L lying base. Repeat. As for 3, keep base as much as you can.
- Shrimp. Base is not part of a shrimp. Lie flat supine, feet in the middle (not to close, far, apart or close). Bridge up to lift your hips. Shoulder walk backwards 4 times, moving your feet as well to keep your hips at the same height. Shrimp hips out the the R, then out ot the L, keeping hips off the ground. Return to bridged position. Repeat. hips should stay off the ground the entire time.
- Upa. Lie supine. Bring feet up close to your butt. Touch your L ear to your left shoulder and bridge, looking and reaching directly behind you over your R shoulder to touch the mat with your L hand (it helps to lie on a line or join on the mats to determine the right direction). Repeat the upa on the opposite side. Shoulder roll backward to knee and foot as in 2, but this time collapse your base and move to a seated base position. Lie down flat and repeat.
- Front Makikomi.
- Side Makikomi.
We did some shin rolls, twists, pigeon, cobra movements to precede these, and on Chris’ video he also does the movements to disengage from a top armbar – turn, both hands on the ground push up to mount, post on the arm you just damaged, windshield wiper the feet and stomp to kneeride, stomp again next to his head and turn to move away at 45 degrees over his head.
The Makikomis are probably best demonstrated rather than described.
The hip escape is everywhere. The Makikomi is almost everywhere.
I remember I intentionally didn’t get video of these because Chris published his own video of them on his site with full explanations, and publishing my own video would take $$$ out of his pocket (maybe $25?). I am happy to show them to you, just not on video.