In response to some unoriginal and repetitive posts from Wing Chun-converted-to-MMA zealots on another forum: How to succeed at 21st Century Wing Chun YOUR AIM Too many delusional losers – who we on the 21st Century Wing Chun Internet Jury (21CWCIJ) call Clueless Theoreticians (CTs) – believe the end game of training is to learn…
JOHN WILL SEMINAR 31 MAR 2007 Shell in depth and takedowns
The Shell – protective structure, very similar to Rodney King’s Crazy Monkey. With gloves – fists clenched, palm toward head, finger end of the gloves on your head at the hairline. No gloves, hands open, palms on the forehead. Forearms held close together, elbows down so that strikes cannot slip between them. Chin tucked, shoulders…
John Will Seminar 29 October 2006 – Triangles,knees in guard. passing half guard, visor
Any time you see his arms “one in one out”, close your legs around his neck/shoulders for the high guard. Squeeze your knees. Grab his head. You have his R arm on the inside. Open your feet, but keep squeezing with your knees. Put your L foot on his R hip, still squeezing your knees….
Martial Arts: A Post-modern Approach
This came about after I read a long essay on post-modernism in programming by Larry Wall, one of the developers of the Perl programming language. Larry Wall clams Perl is a post-modern programming language. After much reading and listening to Jordan Peterson’s lectures, podcasts, and talks as well as getting older and hopefully a little…
Surviving Violent Crime
Living in the 90s (and later) Random, senseless, violent crime occurs with frightening regularity. Port Arthur – nowhere is safe Backpacker Murders – Does anyone still hitchhike? Kicked to Death in Bondi Home Invasions in the Asian community Small Business – a tough (and dangerous) way to make a buck Martial Arts and Violent Crime…
The History and Philosophy of Wing Chun Kung Fu
Thesis for Level Ten Grading Andrew Nerlich student of Sifu Rick Spain, WWCKFA. Disclaimer: Since this essay was written, my instructor parted company with the WWCKFA. Also, vast amounts of new historical information on Wing Chun have come to light. What is presented here is both the WWCKFA party line, best not swallowed uncritically,…
“So, what epic words of wisdom do you have for me this month?’ I asked. “Grandmaster” Keith Hamster’s frenzied chomping on the mountain of crispy skin chicken and rice before him slowed marginally. “I don’t think much of that tone.” As usual, I had to fight off the cognitive dissonance of this fat, bearded middle-aged…
The Perils of Wing Chun History
(I published this first on the KFO forum in response to a particularly vituperative and ridiculous Wing Chun history argument). Wing Chun history was driving me way past the Outer Limits of sanity. I was arguing with people I’d never met over the internet. I know I know, winning an argument on the internet is…
TCM and Massage 2
<- Part 1 MERIDIAN GATE POINTS Gate points allow energy from one meridian to pass into the next. LU7 – CO4 CO20 – ST1 ST42 – SP1 SP21 – H1 H8 – SI1 SI19 – BL1 BL67 – KI1 KI22 – PC1 PC8 – 3H1 3H23 – GB1 GB44 – LI1 LI14 – CV12 –…
TCM and Massage 1
Oriental Medical Philosophy in relation to Chinese Massage – Main Aim, Organs, Meridians, Ch’i. The main aim of any healing discipline or modality – to regenerate the body function as a whole; survival. Concepts Twelve Organs LungsHeartLiverSpleen/PancreasKidneysColonSmall IntestineGall BladderStomachBladderPericardiumTriple Heater The Pericardium Functional rather than organic protector of the heart messenger of joy roughly anatomically…