The seminar was held on The Roof at Langes MMA. Rigan developed Jiu Jitsu flow to better serve his celebrity students, those who cannot afford for their faces to be marked, damaged or disfigured like the rest of us. Ashton Kucher, etc. Rigan Machado designs jiu jitsu system without sparring for celebrities The Jiu Jitsu…
Category: Seminar
Dave Camarillo seminar 3 Sep 2016 – Kimura grip, armbar
Dave Camarillo is a black belt in both judo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and a high profile trainer of MMA fighters, including a number of UFC veterans. He also consults on defence and tactical matters to a variety of police and military organisations. A bio of Dave from his Guerrilla Jiu Jitsu website The two…
John Will seminar 16 April 2016 – Legbars
The seminar was held at Simon Farnsworth’s gym, at Castle Hill Showground. My car’s SatNav was slightly out of date, and I found a Northwest rail link construction site square in the middle of the route it calculated for me. No matter, I knew the area reasonably well anyway. My training partners for the seminar…
John Will seminar 21 Feb 2016 – collar grip guard, single leg X guard
Seminar held at Rick Spain’s gym in Surry Hills. Collar grip with the seated guard He is on his knees in front of you. You are sitting up on your L butt cheek, R foot on the ground, R knee bent and pointing straight up. Your L leg is bent with the L foot tucked…
Steve Maxwell’s Jiu Jitsu for a lifetime / Mobility Conditioning for Jiu Jitsu and MMA seminar 6th February 2016
The seminar was held at Woolloomooloo PCYC. The Jiu Jitsu program there (Jiu Jitsu Commune) is run by John Smallios, a brown belt under Steve Maxwell. It’s a good place to train, no politics, all welcome, not expensive. I attended last year’s seminar with the same title at the same place. While the title…
Richard Norton seminar 21 November 2015
Held at George Adams’ gym in West Pennant Hills. Emphasis on fundamentals. Basic guard pass Grip both collars with R hand, turn the fist up, elbow in, “packing” the R shoulder. L hand is on the hip, gripping the material of the pants, driving down. Some of your bodyweight should be on the L hand….
John Will seminar 30 Aug 2015 – post clinch takedown strategy, Z guard, kneeride
Post Clinch Takedown Strategy Setting up three takedowns from a single clinch You are clinching with your opponent. R foot forward. Occupy the centreline with your hands and secure a neck tie with your R hand, and inside control on his R bicep with your L hand. You control the bicep so that he cannot…
“Secret Session” at Langes MMA with Gui Mendes 31st July 2015
A Friday. Gym was packed, visitors from other NSW and interstate gyms. The seminar followed a sequence: Pull de la Riva guard He pushes the front leg down and steps over in an attempt to pass You counter with reverse de la Riva and recover de la Riva Sweep him onto his hip and berimbolo…
Carlos Machado Seminar – 7th May 2015
The seminar was held at Langes MMA, North Manly. Escapes Escapes happen either before the position is locked in, or after. Side control survival position You are underneath his side control. He is on your right. His L arm is under your head. You should bring your feet up toward your butt and lift your…
Steve Maxwell’s Jiu Jitsu for Life seminar – 14 March 2015
Breath The big problem most people have with breathing, is that they tend to breathe using the top (clavicular) and middle (intercostal) chest muscles for the breath, rather than breathing deep into the diaphragm. This comes about from sitting for extended durations, and staying still – like in a school classroom or at a desk…